Education is said to be the top priority in schools despite many schools still prioritizing personal school policies that impede students’ learning. Especially in that of minority prominent schools where suspension rates are through the roof. How will they learn if they are not in school? How do they say we go to school to fight injustices while these harsh consequences help to further the ‘achievement gap’?
Image taken from Photo by Tory Byrne from FreeImage.
The role of standardized testing has stripped classrooms of authenticity and students abilities to think creatively as the main goal is to create a ‘one-size-fits-all’ type of curriculum. It also cannot be ignored how College Board capitalizes off students, from the costs to take Ap tests to how they control the curriculum. The racial and wealth inequalities channeled by C.B further speaks to the systemic inequities between poor minorities and wealthy, privileged children that creates a cycle in society.
Image taken from
As society evolves, education should as well. It is alarming that children can learn the truth about their history and current events on instagram rather than in schools. It is sad how I have learnd more about credit,finances,taxes, etc from tik toc than the educators that ae paid to enlighten the youth. As times change, what is taught in schools should reflect that. There is an urge to stray away from the text-book way of teaching and be more realistic when preparing the youth for their future.
Image taken from Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.
I am Genice Thomas and a current student at a charter school. Having spent my whole academic career at this school, I have built a very deep understanding of what our schools and current education system values. The prioritization of students' well-being and success in life has been left in the dust of this dependency on numbers and scores to speak for what students are capable of. We should be set up in every way possible to ALL have a chance of a better life before us and it starts where we spend most of our time!
Image taken from Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.